Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Why are throwing knives becoming popular lately?

When you think about a sport hobby, you never consider throwing knives. You may perceive this practice as popular among the circus performers. However, the trend has been changing dramatically. 

In the modern days, knife throwing has become a popular game, specifically in the United States. If you had to learn about such weird sports a decade ago, it would have been extremely difficult to learn knife throwing. But now as you search on the different search engines, you would find brief and accurate information about this interesting sport. 

Despite the dangers of playing this game, people love playing and watching hurling blades in the air. As of late, you would find pretty less people claiming it a dangerous and crazy sport. Other than a game, throwing knives are now serving as tools for self-defense. In several US States, they have been legalized or are concealing weapons. 

Before exploring this practice nowadays, let’s take a gander at how this took place in the past. 

Interesting facts about throwing knives in the history

In the past, there were no cool throwing knives that are popular today. Those people did not have access to online shopping for such items. So, they used whatever they had, for example hunting knives and kitchen knives. However, a bowie knife was still available, and it was probably the first blade that worked quite well during airborne. Most of the knife throwers used that popular knife reportedly invented by Jim Bowie. It was believed to fly through the air nicely and hit the target more often. 

In the beginning of 19th century, the knife thrower's attained a sinister image. They started throwing sharp objects on which they were good throwing at. You may have seen such instances in the Hollywood movies where knife throwers are usually portrayed as the bad guys. In the past though, it was perceived as a good hobby. 

What is the science behind throwing knives?

Currently, there are two major purposes behind throwing knives. Firstly, they are the self-defense tools for protecting yourself from robbers and criminals. Before they attack you, you can throw the knives on them to prevent from their attacks. You would never want the attacker to approach you or get closer to you. Hence, you can throw a knife from a reasonable distance to hit him and cause injury to him so that you can avoid his attack. However, you need to master the skill of hitting the target precisely in order to succeed in this attempt. 

In the sport, the purpose may differ, but the science remains the same. You need to hit the target to achieve success. Interestingly, the knife does not travel in the air in the way you want. There is a lot of physics involved in it. The rotation and lateral movement of the knife are the two crucial factors to consider. The main secret is to be consistent, and throw the knife in exactly similar position and similar way every time. 

How to throw the knife perfectly?

Whether you own a throwing knife to defend yourself from criminal attacks or you love this throwing sport, you must know how to perfectly throw the knife. However, there is no rocket science that you need to learn. If you master a few steps, you can become a good thrower. 

Raise your arm while keeping your elbow bent to some extent. Swing the arms downward and forward from your shoulder. Let the knife go keeping your hand point forward. Make sure to throw the knife without snapping the wrist. Follow through with the arm as you release the knife.