Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Guide to Throwing Knives & Knife Throwing Sport

 Throwing Knives

There are a lot of sports around the world. A few are local sports while a few are international sports. There are sports that are recognized globally, such as soccer, rugby, basketball, and tennis etc. 

However, there are some sports peculiar to certain areas. There are certain sports that are popular in major countries such as the USA, Canada and European countries. 

One of these sports is knife throwing. This sport involves throwing knives on a wooden target. Today, I will guide you about knife throwing sport and throwing knives. 

What are Throwing Knives?

Throwing knives are specifically designed knives for throwing purposes. These knives often have sharp points on the blades. Also, these knives can travel faster and they rotate more often. They offer accuracy and speed. Their sharp pointed blades allow these knives to stick into a wooden target. 

What are Kunai Throwing Knives?
Kunai throwing knives are the most popular knives used to play the knife throwing sport. These knives have sharp points and they can easily stick into the wooden target. 

These knives are associated with the ninja warriors since they were the first to use these knives. However, they used them as tactical fighting weapons. They looked like needles, and today’s kunai knives are slightly different. 

What is Knife Throwing Sport?

A knife throwing sport is a globally recognized sport. It is most popular in the US, Europe, Australia and Canada. Knife throwers from all over the world travel to take part in global competitions held in the US and Europe.

Rules of Knife Throwing

In a knife throwing sport, knives are thrown on a wooden target. The thrower stands at some distance from the target and throws the knife in a way that it rotates and then hits the target. He has to throw it accurately and with serious pace. To score a point, the knife must stick into the target. 

How to Learn Throwing Knives?

If you want to become a good knife thrower, you can learn throwing knives on target. Watch some tutorials on YouTube and watch renowned throwers in action. Observe them closely to learn how to throw knives on target!

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